Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Aaaaaaand we’re back!

The past few months have been a little nuts in the personal realm. I won’t bore you with details, but I put my Etsy shop on hiatus for a while so I could work on straightening things out. Now I’m back, with a few policy changes to make things more manageable for me:

-No international shipping on orders less than $40
I know this will inconvenience some of you, I’m sorry! It was just becoming way to burdensome for me to handle. If you want to order several smaller items in order to meet the minimum order requirements, let me know, and I’ll set up a custom listing for you.

-No lining on ready-made masks. I’ll still line custom-commissioned masks if you want, but there will be a slight upcharge.

-Ready-made masks will come only with ribbon ties for the time being (you can still pick your color). I’ll do leather ties for custom masks if requested, but there may be a slight upcharge.

-Turnaround time for ready-made masks will be within 10 business days. It might get out the next day, but in general my world is saner if I can ship in large batches. As always, if you’re worried about making a specific deadline, contact me through Etsy or email and let me know.

Thanks for all your support and understanding!


The Mummer's Cat on Etsy

Both ready-made and custom masks can be purchased on my Etsy site.


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